Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Dispute Between Tencent And 360software.

Hundreds of millions of fans of the QQ Penguin last night was completely outraged. November 3rd night news, regarding the dispute between 360 and QQ, Tencent issued a public announcement today, stating that until the dispute between the two sides is resi *** ed, Tencent will not allow its QQ [instant messaging program] to run on any computer with 360 installed on it. The dispute originated on September 27, 360 the introduction of privacy protection software said the Tencent spy voyeur user privacy, but Tencent denied it . Subsequently, the 360 was published in buttoning a shirt guard software, which can shield QQ pop and advertising functions. Buttoned bodyguard accused Tencent QQ function by external damage, and formally charged 360. The most recent clash between the two sides has been 360 releasing a way to get rid of QQ advertisements, turn off QQ Xiu, and QQ members' "Koukou Bodyguard", with Tencent then suing 360 on grounds of unfair competition. The dispute between Tencent and 360 not only aroused strong indignation among the Internet users, Jinshan, travel, Baidu and other Internet companies have also entered the war, the situation continued to expand, the industry experts blamed for the "China unprecedented Internet vicious competition in the history. " Currently, QQ, and 360 war has affected the domestic Internet industry. Shanda, the Thunder have expressed support for the protection of privacy features, cool dog QQ music piracy accused the patent; while Baidu, Kingsoft, Maxthon, to cattle and Tencent joint resistance is 360. However, with the invo *** ement of relevant administrative departments mediation, "3Q war" was temporarily subsided. Although both sides still blame each other, but as of press time last night, reporters learned that both sides have declared their softwares are compatible. "The relevant competition is beyond the normal scope of industry, the relevant parties will be hurt." CSDN said Jiang Tao, founder of the Internet and software industry competition should not exceed the normal range, and recommended the establishment of industry conventions standardized future competition.

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